Eco 12

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Activists Target Golf Courses for Wasting Water

Do you know that almost everything involves in our everyday lives is considered as scarcity? (Air and sunshine are the only exceptions for now). Do you know that water is becoming the scarcest resource because of the pollution and population increase? On April 8th, 2006, there is an article mentioned how golf courses can be a concern of wasting water.

Eco-warriors having successfully trashed GM crops are now turning their attentions to the profligate waste of natural resources by golf courses. Golf courses are being told to cut their use of water, return part of their courses to wildlife; else direct action will be taken. One golf course has already experienced direct action. Golf courses in the West Country around Bath have been warned: that if they don't cut their water usage and return 10% of their course to wildlife, direct action will be taken against them. The southeast is suffering its worst drought in a century. Everyone has been urged to conserve water, domestic users are subject to a hosepipe ban, effective from 1 April 2006, but some golf courses feel they can get away with continuing to waste water.

Relating to chapter 1, we know that everything has a limit amount. So does water. The number of us is growing fast so the demand for water clearly increases. Canada has 14 percent of the world’s lakes and 9 percent of the world’s river flow, serving less than one percent of the world’s population but water is a scarce resource even for Canadians. The fact of its scarcity is forcing us to make decisions regarding the use of this valuable resource. When companies open up golf courses, when we enjoy playing golf, when we look at the huge green beautiful plain, there is actually an opportunity cost. So now let’s have a close look at the opportunity cost of having golf courses.

Direct costs = $1000 for one year golf club membership + enjoy playing golf
Opportunity costs = facing the water crisis + 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water
+ 2.2 million People estimated to have died from water/sanitation associated diseases
Total cost = direct costs + opportunity costs

Now, we know every time we enjoy playing golf, there is actually something more we are paying. There is not only the golf course but also facing the scarce of water. Is that more necessary to have golf courses or use the finite resource to save more lives? Everything is scarcity. When we use the resources now, we should think of the opportunity cost and hopefully that can help us to make a better decision for us and the next generation.


Blogger crystalclear137 said...

Water is needed in this world. Without water we will all die in less than a month. Water is now leaning towards being scarce because one incident can cause water to be scarce like the drought in china caused water to be scarce now.

8:47 PM  
Blogger druid_god said...

the thing which turns out to be ironic is that, statics show the water consumption in Northamerica along with other developed countries is far higher than that in developing countries(such as China.)

10:27 PM  
Blogger druid_god said...

by the way, am i supposed to register several accounts to increase ur popularity here?
XD kidding... nice blog, kinda cozy

10:31 PM  
Blogger Apple Z said...

IT is not surprise that the consumption in Northamerica is higher than developing countries because people still don't think it's a serious problem. In the most of the time, people don't even noticed that they are wasting water because they are so using to.

Thanks a lot for comments my blog!

6:32 PM  

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